Tuesday, January 8, 2008

"The art of letters will come to an end before A.D. 2000. I shell survive as curiosity." Ezra Pound.

   Ah, old Ezra. Always an eccentric, always different. As a matter of fact, in most of the cases dangerously different from his peers. Like that time when he decided that it would be a smart idea to advocate Mr. Mussolini's political beliefs.
   Still, there was something in him, an idea that practically made him not different at all. And that was his wish to differ from other people, to remain as a curiosity. Try and show me a person in this world who would consciously like to be a part of a crowd (I'm not getting into subconscious realm). No, there are no such people.
   I am starting this blog with a great plan how to be different, knowing in the same time that I will be the same as millions of smart heads who had the same idea before me.
   But I will start. Just about now. You think I shouldn't? Well, I beg to differ.  

1 comment:

. Lady Blue .- said...

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. That little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. " Clement Stone

Have a nice day =)
Anto (Antodos from Interpals)